Amy Perry Apps

YL Lavender Lifestyles Team
Amy Perry
This is a must have app for anyone new tousingYoung Living Products, or any one interested in alternativemedicineand home remedies. We have new tips, tricks, recipes, andDIY'severyday for you to experience essential oils many differentwaysthrough out the day!! This is also an excellent tool to haveforSharing on the go!!Choosing natural, safe, alternative solutions to help careforyou, your family, your home and your pets health is awisedecision. Replacing man-made synthetics and harmful chemicalswithnatural, plant-based essential oils removesquestionableingredients from your home and adds countless benefits.Whether youuse essential oils to infuse your favorite dishes withflavor,clean your home without harmful chemicals, they're sure tosafelyand naturally enhance your experience.We are delighted to share with you our Young LivingLavenderLifestyle from the whole family. Our Essential Oil Basicsoffersinformation on what essential oils are, why Young Living, HowtoUse Oils and much more useful tools and information for anyonetobe able to use oils. Stay up to date on all things Young LivingviaFacebook and Instagram feeds right here in the app. Also learnmoreabout Young Living's Products with their new Essential Oils,AtHome, Healthy & Fit, and Personal Care categories!